Friday 11 December 2015

Confessions of a Writer Tag - Authors and Writers List

I love the Confessions of a Writer Tag started by Nicolette Elzie, of A Little Bookish, A Little Writerly.

I love reading about other writers and authors, and how they came to do what they do today - write. But we get more than that from the list of twenty questions. We discover a little about the writer's day, favourite books and films, and interesting snippets about early life. Love it! These are the ones I've come across so far [*pics are mine].
(If you know of any more, let me know and I'll link them in :-) )

(hosted on Script Alchemy)

K. M. Guerin

(The Blissful Bookworm)

(part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

(originator of tag)


(hosted at Script Alchemy)

@SamAnnElizabeth (Sam Bishop)

Other Writer Tags (not Nicolette Elsie's):
Laura Tejada (@_LauraTejada)
Mandi Lynn (@Mandi_Lynn_)
SumergidosEntrLibros (@Sumerg_Libros)
Carmelo Beltrán (@CarBel1994)
Tamara a Woods (@penpaperpad)
Dream bigger (@EstherL13_)
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