Thursday 18 February 2016

A Writer's Week on Twitter

When I went to put together my 'Hashtag Writer Week' T-shirts on Redbubble, I started researching which hashtags were most used and enjoyed by writers each day of the week. I couldn't find a comprehensive list, anywhere, that had all the different games and distractions that even I knew of, let alone ones I don't regularly play.

So, I've compiled my own lists in answer to the much asked question, 'What can I do on other days of the week?' and share my findings with you here.

Thanks to anyone who's pointed the way to missed hashtags :-)
(Hashtags in red are for my reference)



  • #MondayBlogs Founded by author Rachel Thompson ( @RachelintheOC ) Link your Monday blog post, use the hashtag, read and share the posts of others (from their blog if possible). See What is Monday Blog Posts and Why You Should Be Participating 
  • #Meta4Mon Founded by Cori Lynn Arnold (@corilynarnold) - From first tweet: "Time to start #Meta4Mon. That's right, every Monday we can tweet our most creative, profound, weird, whatever, metaphors and similies!"
  • #LitChat Founded by Carolyn Burns Bass (@CarolyBurnsBass ) Talk about reading, writing and publishing on Twitter, Monday 4-5 p.m. E.T. See LitChat 
  • #MedievalMonday Started September 2014, I think by East Kingdom Gazette to share medieval photos, articles and posts with others interested in this era. Writers of this period take advantage of this interest.
  • #MustReadMonday Like #MustRead the #MustReadMonday hashtag is used to share great books and literature with other readers
  • Monday #MiniStory [NEW] Tweet mini stories in 5 tweets or less using a prompt by Elise Edmonds (@WriterEdmonds) Started December 2015. See Magic Writer.


  • #2BitTues Snippets from your WIP (completely optional theme posted by Angela D’Onofrio (@AngDonofrio) on Monday. No promo-links. See the bit on ‘Tuesday’ on her blog Between the Lines 
  • #TeaserTues A great time to post teasers/excerpts from your latest novel, or discover new authors from their snippets
  • #IndieChat Chat about everything to do with Indie writers, writing and publishing industry
  • #KidLitChat (every Tuesday at 9PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific) Moderated by @KidLitChat – For anyone interested in Childrens’ literature See KidLitChat 
  • #TLTues Twitter Literature Tuesday founded by Chad Hofmann (@chadh1234) – can be any kind of literature you want. 1 line, short story, haiku, poetry, any creative literature inc. your own published book. See founder, Chad Hofmann’s web page 
  • #PoetTues Robert Lee Brewer (@robertleebrewer), Senior Content Editor of  Writer's Digest, has his own slot called Poetic Asides and has run this chat about poetry since 2010
  • #TuesdaySerial Writing a serial? Let others know what you're writing: publicize your latest installment and include your name with the #webserial title, and the genre if you have room. Run by PJ, Tony and Larry (@TuesdaySerial) For full information see Tuesday Serial
  • #Quill + #(other hashtag chosen each week) Started as #TwitterTuesday, August 2015, Games and chats run by Quill (@QuillWriters) starting 3pm GMT on Tuesdays. This is actually a double-hashtag eg pinned instructions for Feb 16th 2016: "It's game time! Last week we discussed love, today we're all about humour. Share what books, characters & lines amuse you --> #laughsinlit"  In this case, you would use both the #Quill and the #laughsinlit hashtags in one tweet.


  • #1LineWed Writers and authors post a line (lines) from their Work In Progress (WIP) based on a theme that the founder, Kiss of Death (@RWAKissOfDeath) [AKA author Kathryn Jane (@author_Kat_Jane) posts on Thursdays (no buy links) [assistance running it by myself, Annelisa Christensen (@Alpha_Annelisa) :-) ]
  • #WWWBlogs Post a blog and tweet about it on a Wednesday and use the hashtag to connect with other women writers that blog. Read, enjoy and retweet other women writers’ blogs and connect with their authors. See Women Writers, Women’s Books for details 
  • #WriterWednesday (sometimes written as #WW ) Midweek’s a day to give a shout-out about writers, share writers you think deserve some love, though you could probably share anything writing orientated these days and it’d be fine :-) 
  • #MemoirChat Discussing memoirs on Twitter every other Wednesday at 8 pm ET - tips, advice, excerpts.
  • #LitChat Talking about books Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm E.T. for an hour. See LitChat
  • #WriteStuff Chat hosted by @PenPaperPad (9pm ET). Question posed Wed morning about an aspect of writing life to discuss in the evening.
  • #WIPitWed (WIP it Wednesday) extracts from your WIP
  • #WIPItUp (WIP it up Wednesday)  'This is a blog hop for romance authors and the like. If you're a published author who writes, spanking romance, erotic tales, medieval romance, or even hot steamy steampunk novels, I encourage you to join Wip it up Wednesday' You have to sign up to participate (Read the rules here)


  • #IndieThursday Started in 2011 by Jennifer Lawrence (@IndieThursday) on Jenn's Bookshelves for authors, readers everywhere to celebrate, support and embrace their local independent book stores. Explained well on Marianne Wheelaghan's blog post, Tweet about a recent purchase (pics are great) from your local independent bookshop.
  • #MGLitChat (every Thursday at 9PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific) Chat about Middle-Grade lit.
  • #BookMarket (4pm-5pm ET) Book marketing tweet chat discussing US book publishing market. Moderated by Carol Corbet (@cr8ivwriter)
  • #3WordThurs Founded by Brittany Pettagrow (@scribalreverie) - Make a sentence with the three words given as a prompt (must make sense)
  • #Thurds Founded by A. B. Funkhauser (@iamfunkhauser) For Indie/trad published authors - a place to showcase your releases (buy links welcome)
  • #1ParagraphThurs Founded by Dave Waving (@rainingreign) - post a paragraph/page of your WIP as a picture (no buy links please) (ideally 96dpi, 4.5 x 5 inches for quick display)
  • #ThruLineThurs Founded by Rhyan Scorpio-Rhys (@Madd_Fictional) - The idea that runs from the beginning to the end of your story. Boiling your story down to its basic element, it’s what your story is about. 'A through-line' is an idea that runs from the beginning to the end of your story. Not the plot, which describes the action, but when you boil your story down to its basic element, it's what your story is about... It isn't merely posting lines from a WIP, it's expressing the idea of your story creatively - as dialogue, exposition, poetry etc. The presentation is entirely up to you.' Find at @ThruLineThurs


  • #FridayReads Tweet about the book you're reading
  • #StoryFriday Many think this is just for writers to share excerpts of your novels/stories (and readers to find out what's going on), but it was originally started back in 2009 by Writer's Digest Editor, Brian A Clems (@BrianKlems) as a collaborative story idea, starting with a story prompt at 9.30am ET. See About #StoryFriday 
  • #FictionFriday Seen by some as about book buying and recommendations. However, it was created and run by Annie Evett (@AnnieEvett) - several years ago - as a way to write short stories using prompts (see Write Anything - Write More Talk Less) This is ongoing :-)
  • #FictFri Founded by Gracie Mae DeLunac (@Gracie_DeLunac) post exerpts from your fictional WIP, using themes voted on in a poll by players. Theme is optional. See potential themes on Gracie's blog
  • #FP (Friday Phrases) Started by павел александрович (@amicgood) Now run by @FridayPhrases co-hosts Lara Meone Savine (Oceanista-1 () Micro fiction and poetry (no book promos/buy-links) From their web page, Friday Phrases: " matter where in the world you are, we host a micro-flashfic party. This is where your nitty-gritty and flash-fiction genius come into being. This is where you tell us a story, good, short and powerful."
  • #FridayFlash Founded and run by J. M. Strother (@jmstro) #FridayFlash was created to raise the visibility of fiction writers. Write a piece, under 1000 words, then link to it with the hashtag on Friday. According to this tweet, Friday Flash has moved to Facebook, but you can still link to your post on Twitter. See original post at Mad Utopia for guidelines.
  • #FantasyFriday (be warned, this one gets a lot of x-rated spam and doesn't seem to be limited to book fantasy)
  • #Friday5th - Post 5th line of any page of your WIP - no theme, just random fun. Co-run by Hypergraphia (@alliemayauthor) and Kelsey McIntyre (@KelseyNMcIntyre)
  • #FreebieFriday Your chance to offer/pickup giveaways!
  • #LitChat Talking about books Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4pm E.T. for an hour. See LitChat


  • #ArchiveDay Like #MondayBlogs and #SundayBlogShare you link to a blog post, but not a current one, has to be older. Then, do your stuff - read, RT, fave and share other bloggers' posts.
  • #ScreenwritingSaturday Founder and moderator: Merrel Davis (@UncompletedWork) - chat about all things screenwriting. 
  • #WeekendReader (not to be confused with Hachette UK's Twitter book club @WeekendReads) Share your weekend read. See what others are reading.
  • #SchemingSaturday (NEW!) Founded by Brittany Pettagrow (@scribalreverie) for villains and antagonists
  • #WhosYourCharacter by Rebecca Frohling (ChipmunkofPower) From Tweet: "Hey, #writers! Join us Saturdays and Sundays for #WhosYourCharacter Weekend! Share bios, insp. pics, etc. See you then!
  • #SlapDashSat - Founded by Rhyan Scorpio-Rhys (@Madd_Fictional) - A Saturday #WritingPrompt with no rules, no themes, just creative writing for creative folks. All writers/genres/subjects welcomed! See rules at @SlapDashSat 'No themes! No rules! Only freeform writing! Pull dialogue, character descriptions, opening lines, slam poetry, secret confesstions, original song lyrics etc from the deep recesses of your mind, from your WIP, from the ether...'


  • #SundaySample (sometimes wrongly hashtagged #SampleSunday ) Curator is Colin Rowe (@lowericon) Share samples of your books
  • #SundayBlogshare Share a link to any post from your blog (past or present) - it can be more than one post - using the #SndayBlogshare and then read, RT and fave other bloggers' posts (or share directly from their posts if possible)
  • #SneakPeekSunday Post 8-10 sentences (no more) of a WIP or published work you want to share, sign the linky on the previous Wednesday, then make sure the post goes live by 8am (CST)...there's some strict rules, and it's first come first served to be included. Run by @SneakPeekSunday and open to all genres.
  • #WeekendReader (not to be confused with Hachette UK's Twitter book club @WeekendReads) Share your weekend read. See what others are reading.
  • #StoryCrafter Main chat on Sunday, about writing process and writing practice - tweet good writing posts/links and sometimes to ask for help.
  • #SpokenSunday - In 2010, alongside #FictionFriday started by Annie Evett (@AnnieEvett)  as a way to turn short stories/fiction into audio and then link to it on Sunday (See Write Anything: Write More Talk Less) the hashtag is still used to link to spoken audios in poetry and fiction.
  • #WriteChat - weekdays (3-6 pm EST)


  1. Thanks Judy. How did you know I wanted your list of hashtags?

  2. Annelisa thanks for putting this together.

    1. You're welcome, Ann. Pretty sure there must be more, but it's a good start (and more than enough to distract you from writing! :-D )

  3. My goodness--a lot of work went into this, Annelisa. This is an incredible reference. Thank you. :)

    1. It's a whole week of fun, too, Cathleen :-D I already did the work, so I thought I might as well share it for all the lovely writers out there to connect!

  4. This is brilliant and exactly what I've been looking for as I get into Twitter chats. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Glad you're finding it useful - it's what I wish I'd had when I first started on Twitter! :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Glad it was helpful. It probably needs updating though.

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    1. What has the essay writing service to do with Twitter hashtags writers can use to meet other authors and to have a little fun between writing?

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