Friday 4 November 2016

Dona Nobis Pacem

No matter how busy you are today, take a moment to reflect on peace. We all want it, don't we? I think many of us have always wanted it.

So, how come we don't have it?

Today is BlogBlast4Peace.

Who are we, the peace bloggers?

Make your own Peaceglobe and make your stand for peace.

Just do it. Sign up for Peace!


  1. Thanks for adding your voice. If everyone who wanted peace all over the world raised theirs, it would drown out the sound of guns and bombs.

    1. Sherry! It's been so long since I saw you last (I think I missed a year or two blogging for peace :-( You might remember me from my blog 'Words that flow") Thanks for stopping by and spreading the words of peace :-)

  2. Signed! Pawkisses for a Peaceful Weekend :) <3

  3. Since 2006 we've been blogging peace. I'll never ever ever forget how your passion for the peace globes prodded me along and encouraged me even then. And here we are...ten years later.
    One day, hopefully, we won't need to blog for peace anymore.

    #10,385 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery
    Home of The Peace Globes

  4. Ten years! Wow, that is amazing, Mimi! And we are still going strong. I'll never forget how your idea of how we could make a difference inspired me. I'm so happy you're still going strong with it. And your supporters too. I know I haven't been so involved in recent years, but be assured, when November 4th comes around, I am thinking about it from October to past the BlogBlast4Peace. It is in my mind and in my heart constantly.
    As you say, we can only hope, with all our hearts, that one day we won't need to blog for peace anymore.
    Lots of love to you Mimi, and thank you for keeping on keeping on! xx
